Thursday, September 24, 2009

Gourmet Tea Sales Article from the NY Times

A good friend emailed me the link to this NY Times article on gourmet tea sales. I thought it was an interesting read. Mariage Freres, the company I import tea from is quoted in the article.



I think everyone needs to be passionate about something in life. It is what makes life fun! One of the things that I most love is being in a gathering of great friends and family, around a long table, enjoying great food, wine, tea or coffee and conversation. I have always dreamed about having a business that would foster this passion.

I have also had a life long love of the French culture and language. I had the great fortune of having lived in Paris as a student and I continue to make regular pilgramages to the City of Light.

On one of my trips, perhaps 15 years or more ago, a friend introduced me to her favorite tea shop in the Marais district of Paris, Mariage Freres. I was so taken back by the history of this family owned business, the exotic aromas of their tea selections and the French colonial atmosphere of their tea salon. I have been a huge fan of Mariage Freres since. Every trip to Paris would include a visit to Mariage Freres to stock up on my favorite teas.

Stay tuned to my next post which will explain how my passion for Paris and Mariage Freres tea has now become an exciting business venture!

From Corporate America to Tea Entrepreneur

Hi world! My name is Neal and I am a laid off banker, a casualty of the financial crisis. After a successful 25 year career in international banking and finance, my professional services were no longer needed by a major New York based bank.

When I received the news that my job was eliminated, the question I faced was......what do I want to be when I grow up? How can I create an income stream from something that I have a strong passion for? I think there is some truth to the saying: "When God shuts a door He opens a window." Through some interesting life circumstances, I now find myself on an amazing adventure in tea!